Amelia Anderson

Amelia is a Perth based Life and Business Coach, aswell as Meditation Guide. Her mission is to support mamas to find their purpose, soul and sparkle in motherhood.
She has been coaching for over 7 years and has worked with thousands of women both in 1:1 coaching programs and groups.

Working with Amelia was so full of soul and what she lives and breathes.
Conducting the session within her home & business space truly allowed her to be herself and that reflected beautifully within the images.
We also had the joy of adding a motherhood session onto the second half of our session, which was again so full of soul as Amelia and her son Lachie were truly able to be themselves within their home and show me what it is that makes them radiate, together.

You can learn more about Amelia, as well as see more of our session together on her website here.


Danni Bestall